We will build your personal success together.
MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
Messeplatz 1
4058 Basel
Tel. +41 58 206 35 00
If you are interested in Swissbau 2026, the Swissbau team would be pleased to assist. Please get in touch with us.

Rudolf Pfander
Brand Director
+41 58 206 20 20
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Indrit Rrafshi
Sales Manager
Shell construction & Building envelope, Plaster & Paint, IT solutions

Tobias Hofmeier
Project Manager
Swissbau Focus & Lab, Trend World interior design
+41 58 206 22 54
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Claudia Ries
Marketing & Communication | Media

Noëlle Marti
Project Manager
Building technology, Security technology
+41 58 206 23 73
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Jelena Vidic
Marketing & Communication

Chris Dittrich
Project Manager
Shell construction & Building envelope, Plaster & Paint, IT solutions Craftsmen's meeting point
+41 58 206 59 42
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Tabea Hrzibek
Marketing & Communication
Marion Heinis
Sales Manager
Building technology, Security technology, Trend World interior design
+41 58 206 59 71
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Your contact person abroad
Hendrik Taise
Balland Messe-Vertrieb GmbH
T +49 221 948 645 0
Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
T +48 322 76 25