About Swissbau
Generating new momentum together. This is the motto under which Swissbau 2026 brings together the Swiss construction and property industry.
Swissbau visitor groups
Swissbau is the leading platform for the construction and property industry in Switzerland. Founded in 1974 as a live event, it takes place every two years at the Basel Exhibition Centre (Messe Basel). Domestic and international companies deliver a comprehensive overview of innovations, trends and solutions in the world of construction and architecture.
As a multi-industry trade fair, as well as an interdisciplinary event and networking platform, it brings together all the experts and decision-makers involved throughout the lifecycle of a property.
Specialist areas
We are now expanding the specialist areas at Swissbau 2026 through new collaborations.

Building Future Together
Globalisation, digitalisation and climate change pose major challenges for society and the economy. Solutions are being researched around the globe, resulting in the rapid emergence of new technologies, new materials, new tools and new ways of living and working. This offers attractive opportunities for companies in the Swiss construction and property sector – as it does for the overall economy. Understanding them and harnessing them effectively will enable all players to enjoy a prosperous future.
Swissbau operates in these overlapping areas. As an industry veteran with 50 years of experience, the company has an excellent political and social network and is regarded as a major player by the relevant stakeholders. It aims to support the construction and property industry as it forges into a successful future by offering networking opportunities for stakeholders, expanding the community with new players, creating platforms for exchange and promoting innovation by delivering opportunities for collaboration.
A look back at Swissbau 2024
At Swissbau 2024, 615 exhibitors and partners from 14 nations presented their latest products and technologies. In order to participate in the attractive Swiss market, Swissbau is also very popular with foreign companies.
52,486 Swissbau visitors seized the opportunity to explore innovations and trending topics through personal conversations. The top-class event programme offered by the Swissbau Focus and Lab collaboration platforms focused on sharing knowledge, launching discussions and testing solutions.
You can find further facts and figures about Swissbau 2024 by clicking the link.